On December 4th our friend Forrest J Ackerman died of a heart attack in Los Angeles. Forry, "4E" or even "the Ackermonster" as he was known to friends, was "Mr. Science Fiction", the world's most famous fan, hooked on the genre since he read a copy of the Amazing Stories pulp magazine in the 1920s. Subsequently he was influential in promoting the American, and in fact world-wide, fandom. He became a literary agent for science fiction authors such as Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, A.E. van Vogt, and Curt Siodmak, edited books and magazines, most notably his Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine, and appeared as an extra in many genre films including Joe Dante's THE HOWLING and AMAZON WOMEN ON THE MOON, Peter Jackson's BRAINDEAD and John Landis's video for Michael Jackson's THRILLER. His incredibly large collection of science fiction, fantasy and horror film memorabilia filled his house-turned-museum, the "Ackermansion" in Hollywood which included an entire room dedicated to Fritz Lang's METROPOLIS.
Forry was also a friend of this website which he discovered in 1997. He sent me photos and magazines and his late wife Wendy's index cards on German silent films which are reproduced below. A friend is gone who will be missed. Requiescat in pace.
Index cards on German silent films (plus M)
by Wendayne Ackerman (1912-1990)
edited by olaf brill.
Last update (this page): 21 Dec 2008.
The texts and images on this site are copyright © by the respective authors,
except where otherwise noted. Mostly, the items were published by kind permission,
but we were not able to find out all the copyright holders or their legal successors.
If you know about them, please let us know, especially if there's anything wrong
with publishing these texts or images. We do not intend to harm anyone's rights
and thought we best serve the purpose of understanding film and general history
displaying this source material and make it available for everyone.
If no author or source is noted, the texts are copyright © 1996-2008 Olaf